Network marketing and the internet were made for each other.The world is your oyster. It's as easy to send an email around the globe as it is to talk to your next door neighbor.If that's true how can we explain the fact that 95% still fail in network marketing?
What are the traits of the top earners?
1. They have a solid bullet proof marketing system.
2. They have the patience of Job.
3. They have the persistence of a bull dog.
4. They set goals.Short term goalsIntermediate term goalsLong term goals
5. They market daily.
6. They believe in what they're selling, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
7. They sell there selves first.
8. They understand what motivates people.
9. They train their first level down line members to duplicate their efforts.
10. They praise their down lines accomplishments.
11. They learn from others.
13. They never become complacent. They are always recruiting.
14. They keep it simple.
15. They stay in contact with their down line and their prospects.
16. They go the extra mile. They give more.
17. They follow up on leads at least seven times.
18. They accomplish tasks in order of importance.
19. They concentrate on benefits.
20. They automate their efforts.
21. They have a daily study plan.
22. They are global thinkers.
23. They only spend money when it will earn them a profit.
24. They reinvest their profits in their business.
25. They are willing to step out of their comfort zone.
26. They reward themselves when they reach a goal.
27. They enjoy what they are doing.
28. They are organized.
29. They don't waste:TimeEnergyPeople.
30. They reach decisions quickly.
And act on them.
Now that you know the basics, it's up to you to follow through.
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Today"s Article On Work At Home Business
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
How To Make More Money In Network Marketing
2:45 PM
Labels: work at home online business
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Some great articles here, thankyou for sharing !
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